Wooden bowl with cutting from a tree inside sits atop a Mary Oliver Book on a wooden table in a warm sun-dappled room


You’re right where you belong.

Psychotherapy and embodiment work for highly sensitive, high functioning human beings struggling with negative body image, disordered eating patterns, eating disorders, nervous system dysregulation, self alignment, and burnout.

Leah Donatelli sitting in a chair and smiling warmly

Hi, I’m Leah

I’m passionate about helping humans learn how to connect to their bodies in a nurturing way, to understand the body's language, to increase the capacity for rest and pleasure, and to become deeply attuned to the inner self. 

Together we’ll get you back on the path to living a life connected to your body and find freedom from the things that disembody us such as burnout, disordered eating and eating disorders, people pleasing, and resistance to rest. We’ll create a sense of self-trust, stability, and peace without neglecting your highly sensitive design. 

I help highly sensitive people become embodied again.

This work is an invitation to break down the scaffolding of "shoulds" that may be running the show in order to reclaim sensitivity and deep inner trust.


Highly Sensitive People

Eating Disorders

Burnout + Dysregulation

How it works

Peace and trust with your body is your birthright. If you’re ready to take the first step, I’m here with you and for you. Here’s what you can expect:

  • The first step! Simply click the “Let’s Begin” button below to reach out and get started.

  • We’ll schedule a free 15 minute call to get to know one another and, if we mutually think this is a great fit, we will get a first session on the books!

    Alternatively, you can request to book an intake session and skip the consultation altogether if you’d like.

  • The first session looks a little different. It is an intake session and we’ll go through questions related to your past and present physical, social, and psychological well-being. We will start to uncover your level of embodiment across various dimensions of your life.

    This and all sessions are 50 minutes and conducted virtually.

  • Your first session concludes with a summary of your goals for therapy. From session one onward we collaboratively draft a roadmap towards healing into a trusting relationship with your body, mind, soul, and every intuitive part of you.

    I recommend meeting weekly for the first 6 weeks to maintain momentum. After that, folks may keep that frequency or taper off to every other week or less frequently depending on their needs and desires. There is not one size fits all anything in the world of psychotherapy.

Creating a sustainable path towards nourishing the body and bringing about its wisdom.

Learn to embody rest. Liberate the body from unsustainable ideals. Heal towards a trusting relationship with the body.