A fully virtual North Carolina BASED PRIVATE PRACTICE


Re-unite with the gifts of your highly sensitive design and recover towards well-being.

Peace and trust with your body is your birthright.

My practice was founded on the idea that being positively embodied is an inherent birth right and has the power to transform one's day to day experience, one's life's long-term sustainability, and the health of our collective humanity.

My clients and I collaboratively work toward developing deeper connection to the body, attuned self-care, and increased capacity for desires and pleasure to build an inner experience of peace aligned with one's values and meaning for existence.

at the core of it all

This business began as a place for humans to re-unite with their sensitivity and develop a deep and trusting relationship with it.

This heals us from the disembodiment that creates eating disorders and disordered eating, a hunger for existential meaning, burnout, and constant nervous system dysregulation (including fluctuations between anxiety and depression).

If awe and wonder for the world are some of your favorite things, then you’re my people.

I have a deep desire to experience beauty in the felt sense in connection with other people, nature, and food. I’m a nearly clinical extrovert but thrive with a hefty dose of solitude. I am historically a high functioning do-er and achiever and found great value in learning the sacred act of being. Natural light is a game changer for my mood. I am most at ease by the water and am a geek for aesthetic beauty. I believe we are all inherently worthy of comfort in our body and see healthy social connection as an essential ingredient in a flourishing life. I value every emotion the human body can produce and experience. I am a highly sensitive person and find the days that I get to feel deeply with others are the days that are worthwhile. My happiest place on earth is the sensation and flow state I receive during hours of very sweaty dancing.

A hand reaches out and brushes tall dried grasses

Sessions with me are a gentle place to land where these things that feel shameful, confusing, and intolerable are allowed to be held with compassion, understanding, and acceptance.

I trust your lived experience as the primary guide in our sessions and I use evidenced based practices to ensure you are receiving care that works.

Together we untangle what it is like to be you in this world. We learn about your nervous system, how it operates, and what it needs to feel calm and connected again.

I provide you with tools, direction, and education when needed.

You provide us with context and what it is like to be you in your inner and outer world.

Together we build and follow a road map out.


At ease
Full of connection to what lights you up

My Education and Training

things i stand by

Embodiment is a vehicle to a more sustainable world.

Sensitivity is a superpower.

Emotions are sacred messengers.

Safety precedes agency. It must be present for healing and sustainable change to occur.

Attuning to one's needs and desires is an avenue to peace.

There is and never was anything wrong with you or your body.

Bodies deserve comfort, rest, pleasure, and connection.

The body is a wise site to be trusted and listened to.

The body speaks in metaphor through its behaviors with food and other people.

Rest is critical to well-being, does not have to be earned, and is a birthright.

Healing contributes to the collective well-being of our world that has the capacity for immense pain and beauty, just like us.

Lean into the power of Embodiment 

Begin the process of uncovering where you are disconnected from yourself, your body, and your relationships, so we can create space for the healing that will allow nourishing connection to re-enter and guide you towards a life of self-trust.