Stop overriding your inner voice and build trust with the cues of your bodies knowing.

I blend somatics and mindfulness exercises with evidence-based psychotherapy helping you to reconnect with your body and your desires, build your capacity to feel at ease, and create a life that feels better than it looks.

Let’s talk about the power of EMBODIMENT

Life after therapy that is geared towards your embodiment may look like having relationships that fully align with your values and beliefs.

It is getting out of survival mode. It is understanding exactly what your needs are as a highly sensitive person and understanding how to ensure those needs are cared for so you can exist in a state of calm and clarity.

It can look like reconnecting to what gives your life passion, purpose, and meaning.

It can look like having an easy relationship with food and the bravery to be an advocate on behalf of your body and other people’s bodies as well.

Being embodied can look like naturally reaching for rest, care, safe people, and a connection to yourself and perhaps something bigger than yourself.

Being positively embodied is proven to enhance well-being.

It is a supportive factor and a key focus to recover from the following


People Pleasing

Eating Disorders / Disordered Eating

Negative Self Image

Challenges with Agency and Self Trust

Physical and Emotional Trauma

Blocks to Self Alignment

And much more

There are 5 dimensions we keep our focus on within embodiment work


Your level of connection to
your body


Your level of agency


Your capacity for desire and pleasure


How attuned you are to yourself


Your ability to resist being objectified and live your life subjectively immersed in you

We work to enhance each of these dimensions of embodiment in your daily life to bring about greater peace and recovery.

As you begin to build trust with your body, life gets easier.

Trusting yourself and your body isn’t supposed to be this hard.

When clients first come to me they often feel…

  • Their connection to their body is disrupted

  • It is uncomfortable to be in their body as they engage with their life.

  • It is hard for them to physically and vocally advocate for themself.

  • They are stunted and challenged when it comes to connecting to pleasures and desires such as appetite or sexual desire. If they can connect to and understand their desires, it can be hard for them to hold the autonomy needed to respond to their desires as they wish in an attuned, self caring way

  • It is hard for them to remain connected to their physical or emotional needs, or their need for more meaning in their life

  • They may be more focused on perceptions of those around them than on their inner experiences.

When we do embodiment work the aim is for you to…

  • Feel connected to and comfortable in your body while engaging with all parts of life

  • Accept your needs

  • Have strategies to carefully attune to your physical, relational, and emotional needs

  • Connect to pleasure

  • Nurture your capacity for self care

  • Engage with your desires joyfully

  • Unite with what gives your life meaning

  • Build the capacity to feel at ease with nourishing yourself physically, resting, and speaking up for your wants

  • Decrease your urge to appease the observers

  • Create a life focused on how it feels rather how how it looks

If you're not sure how your connection to your body and yourself got disconnected, if you find yourself often feeling overstimulated, on edge, disconnected,
if you are in a body the world tells how to behave or what to believe about yourself based on your gender, size, shape, sexuality, race, or ethnicity, or if unkind messages live inside you about who you are or where you are in your life…

embodiment work can help provide relief and a sustainable path to healing.