your questions; answered

Frequently Asked Questions

Perfecting your Daily Routine Won’t Fix This

In therapy, we create spaciousness for the wisdom within to arise and nurture your growth

Collaboratively we uncover where you are disconnected from yourself, your body, your relationships, and we create space for healing that allows nourishing connection to re-enter and guide you towards a life of self-trust and embodiment.

What Happens in Therapy Sessions?

A detailed breakdown

    • Sessions will involve talking, somatic, and mindfulness exercises. Initial sessions may have more directiveness from myself. Clients often like to bring an agenda of items to work through in the session such as recent events that spurred emotion, relationship interactions that relate to their goals, or insights gained from homework given in a previous session.

    • You know why you are seeking therapy and you are guiding the conversation. You can always ask for guidance and support if you are not sure how you’d like to use the session.

    • Sessions often end with a summary of the work conducted during the session, an intention, and optional homework or coping skills to implement until the next session. I often share resources to explore that relate to our work such as books, podcasts, worksheets, etc.

    • Sustainable healing and change is slow and steady. What happens in session is often an uncovering of various needs, bit by bit, that will guide you to the change you seek.

  • Knowledge is power.

    I try to demystify what we are doing in therapy for you whenever possible. How to be a mentally healthy individual is often something not taught or encouraged in our culture.

    Thus, sessions often include education about the why’s and how’s of theories and practices we are implementing as a vehicle for empowerment throughout your process.

  • Overall, therapy is a place to practice and model a healthy relationship. It is a consent based relationship, with boundaries, in service of you.

    You are allowed to and encouraged to give me feedback on what is and is not working for you.

Session Specific Questions

  • The first session looks a little different. It is an intake session.

    We will go through questions related to your past and present physical, social, and psychological well-being. We will start to uncover your level of embodiment across various dimensions of your life. The session concludes with a summary of your goals for therapy.

    From session one onward we collaboratively draft a roadmap towards healing into a trusting relationship with your body, mind, soul, and every intuitive part of you.

  • Sessions are 50 minutes and are conducted virtually.

  • I recommend meeting weekly for the first 6 weeks to maintain momentum.

    After that, folks may keep that frequency or taper off to every other week or less frequently depending on their needs and desires.

    There is not one size fits all anything in the world of psychotherapy.

    • It is important for therapy to be a time where you have fully stepped away from the whirring noise of day to day life. Taking a therapy video call is very different than taking a work video call. A connected and grounded presence and focus is needed for it to do its thing. This biggest challenge I see with folks in virtual therapy is that they don’t give themselves the permission to allow themselves time to transition and prepare. That is normal because it is hard to slow down and we often don’t think we are worth slowing down or that it is okay to use and need some extra time for us. This is your time. You deserve and need a transition away from the buzz of your life to be present enough to feel safe and dig deep.

    • Create a space that is sacred and disconnected from the outside world for 50 minutes.

      • Ground and prepare.

      • Take 5 minutes before the session starts to do nothing except get comfortable and breathe.

      • Use a computer, not your phone. Holding your phone can be a distraction and tiring. Put the phone in a drawer.

      • Be comfortable. Have on Comfortable clothing, use a comfortable seat.

      • Remove distracting things from your computer space.

      • If it is hard for you to slow down and make space for you, pull in supportive resources. Have objects to resource yourself such as a heated wrap, warm beverage, cold beverage, essential oils or anything that is soothing and uses your 5 senses.

      • Take the call where you have a solid wifi connection and privacy.

      • Place a noise maker outside of your door if taking this from home and others are around.

      • Let your people in your home know you have this appointment and not to interrupt you.

      • Ask yourself what you need for this to work well for you and allow yourself the permission to have it.

    • If you have challenges implementing any of these things, this is all welcome in sessions.

    A reminder:

    Your voice helps the process be what it needs for you. Things you can ask for in session include and are not limited to:

    • Starting sessions with a mindfulness or somatic grounding exercise to help your mind, body, and soul orient to the therapeutic space. You can ask for one of these at any point in the session, too.

    • Silence

    • Directiveness from me

    • Coping Skills for a particular type of challenge

    • Understanding the how or why we might be doing something

    • Education on anything we are working on

    • Additional resources

  • Head over to the Contact page to schedule your free consultation HERE

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